Ultimate Guide to Understanding Car Exhaust Laws in Australia
So, here is it. We all want a car that sounds great and is always on top of its game. In fact, if you have an enthusiasm for automobiles or you are a frequent driver, the sound of an engine can be so exciting.
However, Australia has a complex set of laws regulating car exhaust. Whether you intend to modify a car or you’re just an average vehicle owner, it is critical that you understand these rules to ensure you’re on the right side of the law.
As a top player in the automotive industry providing outstanding service to Western Australians since 1981, Genie Exhaust knows how important it is to stay in line with the law. This is why we have written this comprehensive guide to provide much-needed insight into car exhaust laws in Australia.
The truth is that you don’t want to be found driving with an illegal exhaust. But that’s not even the real deal. The reality is that with six states and two territories – all with moderately different rules – the laws behind car exhaust in Australia can appear somewhat confusing.
But then, that’s why you have Genie Exhaust! So, let’s help you see how you can enjoy your ride while staying within the bounds of the law.
What are the Basics of Car Exhaust Regulations?
Here’s an important kick-starter for you as we go into regulation nitty-gritty. In Australia, car exhaust laws are a mix of federal and state regulations. Ordinarily, the federal government sets the general standards. However, each state and territory also has the power to implement and enforce its own specific rules.
There are different regulatory agencies responsible for the Australian Design Rules (ADRs). For more clarity, the Australian Design Rules are Australia’s national technical regulations for vehicle safety, theft resistance, and emissions.